Videogames and misunderstandings

Since videogames appeared, there has been controversy on it, saying that they are wrong, or that they promote violence missunderstanding the meaning of each one and making it look like dangerous things for society. While games focus in violent themes, it doesnt mean that make children or people violent, multiple movies or books since decades have made the same and it doesnt associate with it.

But the question is, videogames really promote violence, and make people go violent, crazy and start killing each other?. I remotely think not, there has been infinite articles and quantified stats showing the opposite. It is kind of funny when news like bbc blame videogames when schoolshotings ocurr, almost every shootings have been demonstrated and showing results of mental ill people-murderers.
Videogames, like movies or books, just exists, tell stories,create new universes, they open windows for people to imagination, fantasy, and to create!, like guns, or tools, the object is not guilty, the hand that manipulate is guilty.
